luty 14, 2017
Hello to all.
I do not know if it's the right place to write this post, but I'll try anyway.
A member of my clan was banned temporarily from your server for abbusato the game chat. Since we play often on your COD BO server, I want to apologize for the incident. NOCS We are respectful of other people's rules. The player has already been notified by us.
Thank you and good game at all.
grudzień 14, 2012
Hi Phil.
Do you mean the player Boia? Hmmm, well, it is very defiant and resistant to the warning. Better to let him come to his senses, because I do not know how long we hold out.
Please remind all your brothers from the clan that chatting using the Polish language or English.
[UNSZ]Kocham Bigos!!!
luty 14, 2017
Hi Kocham
Boia isn't resistant to the warnings, simply he does not know English.
No matter how long you hold it out of the server, we play just to spend some time with a game that we like in servers that we like. I don't need to warn my brothers how to behave, they know it. As I told you will not understand the kind of warning that you have given him.
See you soon
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