Public Ban ListThere are 254 active bans/tempbans for
Client ASC   DESC Ban-id Type Added ASC   DESC Duration Expires ASC   DESC Reason
|MW|Pawel PL 106667 Ban Sat, 19/04/14 (20:58) Permanent celowe zabicie admina dla paczki
|FaZe|iTeeqo| PR 155133 Ban Thu, 24/03/16 (19:05) Permanent wallhack
[zZz]CyberMagnum 29917 Ban Sun, 22/07/12 (13:24) Permanent wallhacking (by Pitbul) (by unsznuptryk)
[ZSRR]MLG pawe 360 140440 Ban Thu, 20/08/15 (23:53) Permanent za zachowanie
[ZreZ]zrez87 24667 Ban Mon, 18/06/12 (15:22) Permanent No recruiting for your clan, your server, or anyth (by unsznuptryk)
[Ziom]AR-SW]X_Killerp 13891 Ban Fri, 13/04/12 (17:09) Permanent team kill
[ZG]Timpaan 19271 Ban Sun, 20/05/12 (16:10) Permanent RULES
[Z750]F*** ME IM FAMOU 62165 Ban Sun, 03/02/13 (14:50) Permanent wallhack
[YOZ]YoZ] Sanders 29267 Ban Wed, 18/07/12 (13:44) Permanent intentional team kill on admin
[VSKR]S.Andrey 28144 Ban Tue, 10/07/12 (00:36) Permanent wallhacking
[SWI]spaceman_578 43359 Ban Fri, 19/10/12 (20:07) Permanent aimbot hacking
[SRT]MegBeg :3 44694 Ban Sun, 28/10/12 (12:17) Permanent Wallhacking + nie przestrzeganie zasad (by pitbul)
[SPA]kuba_zbieski 2948 Ban Mon, 30/01/12 (18:19) Permanent wallhacking
[SOAP]Henryk3Faza 83718 Ban Fri, 23/08/13 (15:16) Permanent rule9
[SNG]Lil Joe 21176 Ban Thu, 31/05/12 (12:32) Permanent wallhacking
[scs]{D!LLO} Avci 129790 Ban Sun, 08/02/15 (13:34) Permanent wallhack
[SBSP]NoLife 51575 Ban Mon, 10/12/12 (22:10) Permanent podszywanie sie pod UNSZ - i obrazliwe zachowanie (by unsznuptryk)
[RAzo]asasincred95 153611 Ban Fri, 04/03/16 (23:36) Permanent wallhack
[R3KT]ZeusG4m3r 143021 Ban Mon, 12/10/15 (20:51) Permanent invisible hack bye cheater
[Pwnd]Anonym116 33527 Ban Wed, 22/08/12 (23:08) Permanent wallhacking
[PRO]Alexanderexis 75917 Ban Sun, 26/05/13 (21:31) Permanent Obrzucanie wulgaryzmami innych graczy - calkowity brak kulury (slownictwo)
[PRL]postkomunista 63489 Ban Sun, 10/02/13 (20:07) Permanent Banned by an Echelon WebAdmin (by schak)
[PRL]postkomunista 63487 Ban Sun, 10/02/13 (20:05) Permanent rule9 (by schak)
[PoWr]wurjasz1 40971 Ban Wed, 03/10/12 (22:02) Permanent rule3
[POL]MR.BROWNSTONE 124116 Ban Fri, 12/12/14 (18:56) Permanent rule9
[PmT] Shooter 131038 Ban Mon, 23/02/15 (19:03) Permanent wallhack +aimbot
[OSiX]|OSiX|LaCZo78 141909 Ban Tue, 22/09/15 (21:20) Permanent Rule #9: No racism of any kind!! No abusive language or behavior towards admins or other players.
[Modz]haxexmodder 162205 Ban Mon, 25/07/16 (08:58) Permanent aimbot
[MlSS]piterei 74104 Ban Thu, 09/05/13 (01:19) Permanent Brak kultury, celowe lamanie zasad poczym wypieranie sie tego, pomowienia.
[MARC] 24630 Ban Mon, 18/06/12 (00:26) Permanent notoryczne łamanie zasad (by unsznuptryk)
[MA10]maciekgum 15569 Ban Thu, 26/04/12 (16:51) Permanent Rule #1: Chodzenie/bieganie nie jest dozwolone - poruszamy sie na kucaka.
[LKA]Rainbow dash[LKA 33931 Ban Sun, 26/08/12 (02:57) Permanent Niestosowne zachowanie na serwerze (by unsznuptryk)
[L96]Hydrabbitlolz 2675 Ban Sat, 28/01/12 (22:03) Permanent wallhacking
[KOSA]KOSTUCHA 62768 Ban Wed, 06/02/13 (18:06) Permanent wall hacking
[KKK]KillRoy 27397 Ban Wed, 04/07/12 (14:32) Permanent notoryczne lamanie zasad
[KING]R E D I X 163851 Ban Sat, 17/09/16 (23:20) Permanent WH (by BohrN --- )
[KILL]Stels 19823 Ban Fri, 25/05/12 (09:43) Permanent wallhacking
[K4L]Pomidorowa 3140 Ban Tue, 31/01/12 (20:22) Permanent za - morda psie cb sie o zdanie nie pytalem Noticed by unsznuptryk -
[HCC]Agent 14||53 40277 Ban Sun, 30/09/12 (01:55) Permanent hacking
[GT]Assassin PL 16305 Ban Tue, 01/05/12 (13:57) Permanent na pasuje ser - pozdrawiam
[GSH]Predator 327 Ban Fri, 13/01/12 (20:31) Permanent notoryczne lamanie zasad
[GR]george ** 57615 Ban Tue, 08/01/13 (22:28) Permanent
[GoT]Lik'a Bawz 22574 Ban Wed, 06/06/12 (17:04) Permanent wallhacking
[GER]Hassan 84503 Ban Mon, 02/09/13 (00:20) Permanent wall hack
[FPG]Wudu 19254 Ban Sun, 20/05/12 (14:48) Permanent wallhacking
[FOS]R]aiiDz[Z] 72894 Ban Sun, 28/04/13 (12:26) Permanent wallhack
[eHs]Mojzesz_99 10762 Ban Sat, 24/03/12 (15:18) Permanent wallhacking (by unsznuptryk)
[DSG]Fresh 90507 Ban Thu, 07/11/13 (18:44) Permanent Ewidentny AIMBOT wypatrzony przez IPS PROVID
[DJz]Goli@t 113508 Ban Sun, 10/08/14 (17:24) Permanent Chamstwo na serwerze
[DJz]Goli@t 113428 Ban Sat, 09/08/14 (23:23) Permanent wulgarne slownictwo - obrazanie kazdego napotkanego gracza

Records: 1 to 50 of 254
