Public Ban ListThere are 254 active bans/tempbans for
Client ASC   DESC Ban-id Type Added ASC   DESC Duration Expires ASC   DESC Reason
skoyatel 15422 Ban Wed, 25/04/12 (14:17) Permanent dozywotni ban mistrzu za zabijanie zwoich i lamanie zasad
SkeptikosKafros 66416 Ban Sat, 02/03/13 (13:20) Permanent No racism of any kind - [racist emblem]
sienaa1 29050 Ban Mon, 16/07/12 (16:05) Permanent notoryczne lamanie zasad (by unsznuptryk)
Sgt. Huntelaar 9812 Ban Fri, 16/03/12 (00:04) Permanent nie zgodzil sie za zasadamin i napisal BYE ASSHOLE (by unsznuptryk)
Serf3r 33617 Ban Thu, 23/08/12 (17:30) Permanent wallhacking
Seause PL 125574 Ban Fri, 26/12/14 (15:10) Permanent Rule #9: Obrazliwe lub rasistowskie wypowiedzi oraz przeklinanie sa zabronione.
Scott Peterson S 21623 Ban Fri, 01/06/12 (22:17) Permanent insulted admin
SCHWEEN 104839 Ban Wed, 26/03/14 (00:13) Permanent racist emblem
sambie2006 53004 Ban Wed, 19/12/12 (22:55) Permanent aimbot + wallhack (by unsznuptryk)
ROYALNOOB 22609 Ban Wed, 06/06/12 (19:51) Permanent wallhacking (by unsznuptryk)
romanowskaanna 47424 Ban Fri, 16/11/12 (15:44) Permanent notoryczne lamanie pierwszej zasady.
Ripper.Jackson 58719 Ban Mon, 14/01/13 (00:35) Permanent Hacking (by unsznuptryk)
Rieg 159868 Ban Wed, 01/06/16 (23:53) Permanent rule7
Richard2004 172773 Ban Sat, 25/02/17 (22:36) Permanent invisible hack
Red Wolf Spirit 140343 Ban Tue, 18/08/15 (23:03) Permanent Za \"CAGATI A DOSSO POLACCO DEL CAZZO\"
Red BuII 385 Ban Sat, 14/01/12 (18:54) Permanent wallhacking
reclik7 13837 Ban Fri, 13/04/12 (15:23) Permanent team killing
Rav aka ` 22561 Ban Wed, 06/06/12 (16:29) Permanent wallhacking
RaSStA NiGGeR 41741 Ban Mon, 08/10/12 (15:24) Permanent racism
Rabbit 163554 Ban Tue, 13/09/16 (20:18) Permanent rule1
QC) Razer Mac 6321 Ban Wed, 22/02/12 (00:45) Permanent wallhacking
Python 46971 Ban Mon, 12/11/12 (01:06) Permanent intentional team kill - for fun
PSBO]VoltPlayGa 96065 Ban Mon, 23/12/13 (20:46) Permanent Wallhack - [profile]
PPT]JakubPl 134452 Ban Sun, 19/04/15 (21:49) Permanent wallhack
porsze85 34200 Ban Mon, 27/08/12 (12:19) Permanent notoryczne lamanie zasad
piwo12345803 25505 Ban Thu, 21/06/12 (23:14) Permanent Banned by an Echelon WebAdmin (by unsznuptryk)
PichMenPL 19377 Ban Sun, 20/05/12 (23:32) Permanent Banned by an Echelon WebAdmin (by bloodpoint27)
PichMenPL 19378 Ban Sun, 20/05/12 (23:33) Permanent Wh (by bloodpoint27)
pepsi max 13 60286 Ban Fri, 25/01/13 (00:08) Permanent rule3
PeG | Szakal 21255 Ban Thu, 31/05/12 (17:09) Permanent wallhacking
PeG | Rukia<33 21250 Ban Thu, 31/05/12 (16:55) Permanent wallhacking
One0nTheWorl 157010 Ban Sun, 17/04/16 (00:34) Permanent Wall/map hack. Cheating is not allowed!
NL].Xerom.G45 20823 Ban Mon, 28/05/12 (20:41) Permanent obraziles admina
Niggs 157973 Ban Mon, 02/05/16 (20:06) Permanent rule9
nie strzelaj_PL 26264 Ban Mon, 25/06/12 (19:24) Permanent specjalny teamkill 2x
Natalia/xXBregzX 135784 Ban Sat, 09/05/15 (20:21) Permanent wallhack
napTu3aH 12534 Ban Wed, 04/04/12 (19:55) Permanent intentionallyteam kill on admin (by unsznuptryk)
Mrs.trololo 42893 Ban Sun, 14/10/12 (22:27) Permanent wallhacking (by unsznuptryk)
MrProfesorek100 4569 Ban Sun, 12/02/12 (13:36) Permanent Banned by an Echelon WebAdmin (by zakapior100)
Mr.GreenEarth 66306 Ban Fri, 01/03/13 (19:01) Permanent wallhacking (by unsznuptryk)
Montes 149505 Ban Sun, 03/01/16 (14:12) Permanent Obra&iquest;anie admina/&oacute;w lub innych graczy jest kategorycznie zabronione.
Moisler 159989 Ban Sat, 04/06/16 (23:31) Permanent Uzywanie Wallhack jest surowo zabronione. (wypatrzony przez Shadow Maniac)
Moderator 42582 Ban Sat, 13/10/12 (17:58) Permanent Wallhacking!! (by pitbul)
MloDy.. 18688 Ban Wed, 16/05/12 (16:37) Permanent wallhacking
mickey 32297 Ban Sun, 12/08/12 (20:45) Permanent celowe zabicie admina - lamanie zasad
meuns62-138 156594 Ban Sun, 10/04/16 (21:18) Permanent The Evidence shows Wallhack using
MELON.PL 84341 Ban Sat, 31/08/13 (18:48) Permanent nieodpowiednie zachowanie
mazzo 150487 Ban Sat, 23/01/16 (13:17) Permanent zakaz wchodzenia
MaxDamage 23086 Ban Sat, 09/06/12 (15:28) Permanent wallhacking
maury730 141614 Ban Tue, 15/09/15 (20:24) Permanent rule3

Records: 101 to 150 of 254
