Public Ban ListThere are 254 active bans/tempbans for
Client ASC   DESC Ban-id Type Added ASC   DESC Duration Expires ASC   DESC Reason
Enrico ITA 159990 Ban Sat, 04/06/16 (23:49) Permanent Wallhack 2016-05-18 23:20
eMeRCe 30673 Ban Sun, 29/07/12 (01:35) Permanent niestey nie akceptuje i nie pojmuje zasad taktycznego serwa
EHGT]bolorsocie 31979 Ban Fri, 10/08/12 (18:16) Permanent wallhacking
Dziki Arab 30566 Ban Sat, 28/07/12 (17:25) Permanent za " a jebcie sie capmy " (by zakapior100)
DUCK|Kaziomazio 104109 Ban Mon, 17/03/14 (16:14) Permanent Wallhack
Duch 13342 Ban Mon, 09/04/12 (12:47) Permanent za zachowanie , obrazanie adminow
Dr. Richtofen 156567 Ban Sat, 09/04/16 (22:57) Permanent invisible hack
Domino_PL 25835 Ban Sat, 23/06/12 (22:07) Permanent wallhacking
dodisgg 110507 Ban Sat, 14/06/14 (21:17) Permanent can not accept the rules of the tactical crouch server - not surprising that you no longer have the tag, a well-known clan
DnB | lOlu'PL 69020 Ban Wed, 20/03/13 (17:24) Permanent rule9 (by schak)
DiMs93 158593 Ban Thu, 12/05/16 (20:07) Permanent wallhack - []
Die!SheldonDie! 11989 Ban Sat, 31/03/12 (23:30) Permanent wallhacking
devvic3- 153110 Ban Sat, 27/02/16 (23:11) Permanent wallhack
deus 131946 Ban Sat, 07/03/15 (21:36) Permanent wallhack
Derlappen 174793 Ban Thu, 13/04/17 (23:55) Permanent hack
Delfy77 153888 Ban Sun, 06/03/16 (19:51) Permanent invisible hack
dead1994[PL] 64573 Ban Mon, 18/02/13 (18:09) Permanent rule9
dead1994[PL] 64576 Ban Mon, 18/02/13 (18:12) Permanent zasada 9, kilkanascie upomnien i nic (by pitbul)
Dawid 127884 Ban Tue, 13/01/15 (21:46) Permanent obrazliwe wypowiedzi na temat serwera
Daw90081[PMG][PL 27111 Ban Mon, 02/07/12 (00:34) Permanent "Pierdole te wasze run..." (by unsznuptryk)
Danielo 126783 Ban Sat, 03/01/15 (15:57) Permanent przeklinanie ublizanie wszystkim
daniel 17473 Ban Wed, 09/05/12 (01:57) Permanent Banned by an Echelon WebAdmin (by bloodpoint27)
damianx 37576 Ban Sat, 15/09/12 (13:33) Permanent notoryczne lamanie zasad
czech_sebastian 156471 Ban Sat, 09/04/16 (16:36) Permanent rule1
CVKM | Delft in 15228 Ban Mon, 23/04/12 (17:48) Permanent team killing - breaking the rules
Crocll 173727 Ban Thu, 23/03/17 (22:10) Permanent cheating
crashlolftw 157296 Ban Tue, 19/04/16 (22:34) Permanent invisible hack
COMMANDOS PL 16918 Ban Fri, 04/05/12 (23:03) Permanent klamstwo nie poplaca - pozdrawiam
Cichy Mietek 17004 Ban Sat, 05/05/12 (16:50) Permanent aim + wh
CHUJNIA PL|Pilo 12996 Ban Sat, 07/04/12 (14:46) Permanent za glupote
Chomik 11097 Ban Sun, 25/03/12 (16:50) Permanent wallhacking
Cheese. 48028 Ban Sun, 18/11/12 (17:55) Permanent Wallhacking (by unsznuptryk)
cannibal 12527 Ban Wed, 04/04/12 (19:41) Permanent za celowy twam kill na adminach (by unsznuptryk)
C w A n i a Q 11131 Ban Sun, 25/03/12 (17:57) Permanent wyzywanie i lamanie zasad - obrazanie admina (by unsznuptryk)
brylant31683 14096 Ban Sat, 14/04/12 (14:36) Permanent team kill na adminie- celowo
BOAT 172676 Ban Thu, 23/02/17 (21:00) Permanent niewidzialny
BOA*Peter'ski 14756 Ban Thu, 19/04/12 (23:19) Permanent zucanie glupich hasel - team kill na UNSZ - celowy
Black.B 53720 Ban Sun, 23/12/12 (02:24) Permanent Łamanie zasad, naganne zachowanie (by unsznuptryk)
BisteinNoob 140877 Ban Sun, 30/08/15 (00:35) Permanent invisible hack
Bharijia 19557 Ban Tue, 22/05/12 (18:53) Permanent wallhacking
Bejke /w Kek. 153841 Ban Sun, 06/03/16 (13:15) Permanent podszywanie siê pod nazwe klanu, zabronione
BcS' ViRuS PlayS 127674 Ban Sun, 11/01/15 (16:24) Permanent przeklinanie i ublizanie ze serwer \"h......\"
barti234 150485 Ban Sat, 23/01/16 (13:15) Permanent - nie wchodz wiecej
BABOON 17083 Ban Sat, 05/05/12 (22:18) Permanent as you wish
axada 128267 Ban Sun, 18/01/15 (17:32) Permanent intentional violation of the following rules: rule1, rule 2, rule 9
Atomzsillett 44062 Ban Tue, 23/10/12 (17:31) Permanent hacker (by unsznuptryk)
alickyboomboom 33820 Ban Sat, 25/08/12 (13:46) Permanent wallhacking (by unsznuptryk)
AimBrot 156772 Ban Fri, 15/04/16 (10:56) Permanent Invisible hack -2016.04.13 23:05
aikido200 22927 Ban Fri, 08/06/12 (17:08) Permanent
Aech 137665 Ban Tue, 09/06/15 (20:19) Permanent slownictwo zachowanie

Records: 201 to 250 of 254
